Hobbies That Can Make You Live Longer

Hobbies That Can Make You Live Longer

Did you know that hobbies are not only fun but also good for you?

Countless studies agree that a wide range of hobbies offer physical and mental health benefits to participants.

In locations where the community is active with hobbies, they reported fewer symptoms of depression and elevated health, happiness, and life satisfaction than those without hobbies.

Many hobbies are available, but research recommends options that are especially healthy for your mental and physical health.

Here are several ideas:

  1. Exercise

If we discuss the health advantages of exercise, we could be here all day.

Exercise can:

  • boost cardiovascular fitness
  • strengthen bones and muscles
  • control your body weight
  • lower risk of cancers
  • boost academic performance  in children and 
  • improve brain function in older adults.

2. Gardening

Diet, like exercise, is paramount to good health. You get to prepare meals yourself—and reap some less obvious benefits on top.

Gardening allows children to dirty themselves and, later, rewards them with “fruits”—of their labor. Kids who garden develop life skills like compassion and patience early in life.

On the same breath, early exposure to nature better their mental health in adulthood. 

3. Cooking

Cooking is a form of meditation—following a recipe, measuring ingredients, multitasking—reduces stress and stimulates the brain’s lobes associated with memory and executive function.

In one scientific review, cooking at home led people to eat more fiber and protein and, among those with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, better control their weight.

4. Hiking

Simply stepping outdoors can boost your moods by up to 65 percent. Temporarily escaping our everyday homes and routes can make us healthier and happier.

Being among nature: trees, birds, and sunshine can reduce people’s risks of mental illness and foster a sense of awe, which stokes creative thinking.

5. Listening to Music

Playing music can also boost one’s health by releasing endorphins and dopamine.

Music therapy is also known to improve patients’ concentration and alleviate pain or fatigue symptoms.

For infants— music can help:

  • stabilize their heart & respiratory rates
  • regulate their sleep patterns
  • help them gain weight.

6. Coloring

Coloring isn’t just for kids. It can decrease anxiety and depression by increasing positive emotions, almost immediately. 

Participants feel more confident after as little as 45 minutes. A recent study also found that art-making significantly lowers participants’ levels of cortisol, a hormone linked to stress.

7. Swimming

Swimming is another whole-body exercise suitable for people of all ages. Like running, swimming improves cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. 

Time in the water releases the hormones serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which can boost moods and augment memory function.

The specific pastime matters less than the engagement. The benefits of hobbies are universal across different countries and different cultural settings.

Studies show hobbies make a big difference in mental health patients. It reduces feelings of loneliness and increases life satisfaction.