Raila's Special Visit to Oxford University Clarified

Raila’s Special Visit to Oxford University Clarified

Raila's Special Visit to Oxford University Clarified
Raila at the Rhodes House – Oxford University with Kenya Mission UK led by acting High Commissioner Edwin Afande and his team. Senator Sifuna and Hon Jared Okello were also present/ IMAGE: X

Leader of Official Opposition, Raila Odinga, is on tour at the Rhodes House at Oxford University, in the company of Nairobi Senator, Edwin Sifuna and Nyando MP, Hon Jared Okello. The visit is an official invitation by the Oxford Africa Society.

The former premier departed for the United Kingdom on Thursday, May 23, 2024, to deliver a keynote address at Oxford University. He was welcomed to Rhodes House, Oxford University, by Kenya Mission UK led by acting High Commissioner Edwin Afande and his team. 

Through his communication team leader, Dennis Onyango, he issued a statement on his presentation and visit:

Forging Africa’s Future

At the annual event, Odinga will deliver a lecture titled: Forging Africa’s Future: A Journey of Resilience and Renewal,” the statement reads.

Raila's Special Visit to Oxford University Clarified
Raila Odinga at the Rhodes House – Oxford University with the Kenyan postgraduate students after delivering the keynote speech/ IMAGE: X

Raila will discuss Africa’s trajectory of resilience and renewal, offering insights from his extensive experience in public service and advocacy.

His address, he added, will feature key themes like political stability, economic growth, equity, democracy and social cohesion while highlighting stories of resilience and examples of renewal from across Africa.

Raila's Special Visit to Oxford University Clarified
Raila Odinga delivering the keynote address at the Oxford University. IMAGE: X

His intention to run for AU’s top seat, in the election set for February 2025, to replace the current chair, Chad’s Moussa Faki, will also come up for discussion.

During his tour, he has also met Kenyan postgraduate students studying at Oxford.

Before he left, on Wednesday, he hosted H.E. Maarten Brouwer, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kenya and H.E. Wael Nasreldin Attiya, Ambassador of Egypt to Kenya. He articulated his vision for Africa in our evolving global environment and championed his bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship.