Ngilu blasts DP Ruto over flight to Uganda

Ngilu Blasts DP Ruto Over Flight to Uganda

Charity Ngilu has called out Deputy President William Ruto over recent remarks regarding his trip to Uganda.

DP Ruto was to travel to Uganda on Monday where he was supposed to meet with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. The trip, however, didn’t happen as the DP and his team were blocked from boarding their flight at Wilson Airport.

In response, the deputy president had posted on his social media to lament over the incident.

“Isorait…Tuwachie Mungu,” He tweeted a moment after retreating to his Karen home.

Two days later, he narrated the incident on his social media accounts, accusing the deep state and dynasties of fighting him.

“I have been stopped from flying to Uganda because the system believes only the children of the rich and famous can fly to foreign countries to dine with the presidents,” DP wrote on his Twitter handle.

Additionally, he accuses the “tribalists” and dynasties of hiding behind civil service and instead wants them to face him directly.

“I am putting the tribalists and dynasties on notice that our patience has run out and we will not take any more humiliation,” he added. “Let them face me openly.”

The Kitui County Governor terms the statement from DP as unfortunate and callous. She says such a statement is not supposed to come from a man that is seeking the highest office in the country.

“What example are setting for future generations? Have you sunk this low? Is this what we should expect from you going forward?” Ngilu posed.