DP Ruto slams President Uhuru over rotational presidency remark

DP Ruto slams President Uhuru over rotational presidency remark

Deputy President William Ruto has yet again slammed President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga over BBI and rotational presidency remarks.

Speaking at Silibwet Green Stadium, Bomet County on Friday, DP Ruto said leaders should be elected based on their development track record, their vision and their manifesto and not tribe and ethnicity.

“We want to tell those telling us about the rotational presidency that we are not interested in leadership that is arrived at through gambling on ethnicity or clan or other petty issues. We want leaders to be elected on account of their vision, plan, and manifesto,” he said.

William Ruto reiterated that the ongoing tumult for change of the Constitution through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) was not a priority for Kenyans at the moment, stating that the country should be more focused on issues that affect the common Kenyans.

“Kenyans know that changing the constitution and creation of additional positions and seats for a few individuals is not a priority. The focus right now is to attend to the needs of the common people and the economy to make sure that every hustle counts,” said the DP.

The Deputy President was in Bomet to commission several projects, among them handing over a bus to the National Super League (NSL) side Silibwet FC and presiding over a fundraiser for boda boda Saccos in Sotik.

Leaders present

Hosted by former area Governor Isaac Rutto, he was accompanied by Governors Hillary Barchok (Bomet), Paul Chepkwony (Kericho), MPs Christopher Lang’at (Bomet), Nelson Koech (Belgut), Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet), Joyce Korir (Woman Rep, Bomet), Joseph Limo (Kipkelion East), Hillary Kosgei (Kipkelion West), Dominic Kosgei (Sotik), Feisal Bader (Msambweni), Brighton Yegon (Konoin), Gideon Koskei (Chepalungu), Beatrice Kones (Bomet East) and Ronald Tanui (Bomet Central).

Others present were Rigathi Gachagua (Mathira), Gabriel Tongoyo Vincent Kimose (West Mugirango), Joash Nyamoko (North Mugirango), David Ole Sankok (nominated), Soipan Tuya (Narok), Halima Mucheke (nominated), Rehema Jaldesa (Isiolo), Johana Ng’eno (Emurua Dikirr) and Charles Nyachae (Judge of the East African Court of Justice) among other notable leaders.

The deputy president also fired at ODM leader Raila Odinga accusing him of being the reason behind Jubilee Party wrangles.
He said since 2013, Jubilee had endeavored to fulfill its promises to Kenyans until when Raila joined the government through a handshake.

“I want to tell our friends, the one who paid us a visit. They came and destroyed our national party so that we could have tribal parties like them. They came and changed our priorities so that instead of working for Kenyans, they told us creating positions is much more urgent,” he said.

DP Ruto slams President Uhuru over rotational presidency remark