How to Maximize TikTok Earnings

How to Maximize TikTok Earnings

TikTok is taking over social media numbers with over a billion subscribers. Many celebrities and content creators have monetized their accounts and raked in millions monthly. First movers, who boast of numbers, partner with brands to push advertisements by capitalizing on engagement and visibility.

This article looks at how you can manage your content to achieve maximum engagement. Learning the peak hours and days to boost your content, can have a higher return on your reach and in turn your earnings. This will also give your content the visibility it rightfully deserves.

You can also take advantage of the short-video application to make a side bag, by applying a few tricks to hack the algorithm. Maximize your TikTok visibility by following the tips below:

What’s the Best Time to Post on TikTok?

Posting when your audience is the most active will get maximum reactions to your content. Many creators have great content that gets stuck at less than 500 views because they post their video casually without considering the time of day. Timing is the difference between a viral video and just another video.

To optimize your TikTok, consider the local peak hours when users have free time and are scrolling endlessly. According to research, engagement differs throughout the day.

The best time to post is between 6 AM-11 AM and 7 PM- 11 PM. The best days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Align your posts with these high-traffic periods and days to stand to connect with your audience. A bigger live audience equals a bigger reach.

The Best Time of The Week to Post

Weekdays are straightforward. Most users show a consistent engagement pattern. They are active during lunch breaks and after they break out at home in the evening.

Weekends vary. It most often peaks in the morning, with a lot of users home, and late at night.

The best days to post, for maximum interactions, are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Tips For Creators Who Post Daily

  • Monday’s are for motivation, post at 12 PM or 6 PM.
  • Tuesday’s peak at 11 AM or around 7 PM.
  • Wednesday is for early birds, at 8 AM and earlier at 8 PM.
  • Thursday’s are slow as the week comes to a close with TikTok picking around 5 PM.
  • Friday engagement starts from midday around 1 PM then picks up again at 9 PM.

1. Posting Schedule

Do you have a posting schedule or do you just post randomly? Aim for times when your audience is most likely to be online, this means thinking along work and school breaks and days.

Plan your content calendar, and automate your posts for peak times while monitoring engagement.

Scheduling ensures you never miss the engagement windows, even when you’re engrossed with other tasks.

2. Consistency

Your followers are programmed to expect your regular content at specific times. Don’t keep them waiting. Regular timed content builds a strong presence and creates trust which is difficult to establish.

Consistency develops rhythm and can improve your chances of high interaction.

Understanding TikTok analytics:

  • Metrics: These are the data points that measure your performance, such as video views, likes, comments, shares, follower growth, and even the demographics of your audience.
  • Benefits: By analyzing these metrics, you can see what content resonates with your viewers, when they’re most active, and where you can improve.

3. Use TikTok Analytics

Use the following to gauge your reach:

  • Video views: This indicates the reach of your content.
  • Engagement rate: These include likes, comments, and shares relative to views. They are a measure of how interesting your content is.
  • Video completion rate: Shows the average percentage of viewers who watch your video till the end.
  • Follower demographics: These include the age, location, and gender of your audience to help tailor your content.

Analyzing TikTok analytics will help you make an informed decision on how to tweak your content grow your audience, and reach your goals faster.

Use the tips above to strategically curate your creation and posting schedule. A better understanding of these guidelines will position your content globally.

Good luck!