Diani Beach

Six Reasons Making Diani a Leading Tourism Destination

Time and again, Diani has been voted as one of the most prime tourism destinations in the whole continent. It is mentioned in the same breath as Johannesburg, Maasai Mara, Serengeti, Seychelles, and the Gaza pyramids. Diani Beach is located 30 kilometers south of Mombasa, Kenya, along the Indian Ocean. The beach is about 11 miles long, stretching from the Kongo River (north) and Galu Beach (south).

What makes Diani so prize-worthy?

Best Beach in Africa

Diani Beach is covered in endless white powdery sands that sparkle in the sun and glow in the sunset. The sands stretch for kilometers and kilometers beyond the eye’s view. In the evenings or early mornings, you could spot a camel convoy strolling on the dreamy white sands, like something from a movie. The sands make the water crystal clear for wading luxuriously or taking a swim. You can also just bask on it and get a good tan. Visitors are always mesmerized by the heavenly sight.


Diani is served by a small airstrip at Ukunda. Ukunda Airport is located along Mombasa- Lunga Lunga road. It started in 2013 as private charters for Air Kenya between beach resorts and inland game reserves. Therefore, you can fly directly to Diani from any part of the world through Nairobi or Mombasa. There are also direct charter flights from Maasai Mara to Diani. This makes it strategically located.

Diani Beach is linked by the ferry from Mombasa Island. If you want to enjoy a road experience, like most of the locals, you can use the many affordable local minibusses (matatus) or tuk-tuks to get around.

Diani Night Life

Six Reasons Making Diani a Leading Tourism Destination
Photo Courtesy/Diani Sea Resort

Diani is full of merry-making spots. From high-end clubs to more intimate hangouts. Clubs like Tandoori, Manyatta, and Shark Attack offer international-style entertainment for the many foreign visitors who are out to shake a leg.

There is a wider range of options when it comes to accommodation. This includes Beach resorts, hotels, villas, cottages, and rentals (AirBnBs). This caters for every price point. Meals and drinks are moderately priced. Meals range from local Swahili cuisines to Mexican, Italian, and French delicacies. Each resort has its own special curated “dawas” which are unique signature cocktails. Several restaurants offer a wonderful dining experience. My favorites include the Nomad Beach Bar for seafood and the romantic Ali Barbour’s Cave.

Beach Sports

Diani is home to a lot of coral reefs which makes it the perfect destination for scuba diving. Scuba is quickly becoming a popular sport for tourists here to fully experience the marine life. Though a bit pricey, you can take it up as an unforgettable one-time activity if you are a first-timer. If you are an experienced scuba diver then you’ll feel right at home.

Kitesurfing is such an enjoyable and adventurous water sport many young tourists enjoy. Some like to sit back and watch experienced kite surfers as they literally “ride” the waves and spin meters high. Windsurfing and paddle boarding are common during windy seasons. Daredevils and adrenaline junkies from all across the world meet here to share in the fun and connect.

Leading tourism destination

Shimba Hills National Reserve, spanning over 300 sq. kilometers, is about an hour’s drive from Diani. The reserve is a haven for students, hikers, wildlife researchers, and nature enthusiasts, seeking a thrill in Africa’s wilderness. It is a thick greenery mixture of tall trees, flowers of different varieties, and vast grassland where several bird species rule the air.

The protected area is a unique ecosystem of grasslands dense forests to coastal rainforests. This diversity is home to a wide array of plant and animal species, many of which are unique to this area, like the Sable Antelope.


You cannot conclude a trip to Diani before visiting Wasini Island. It is a not-so-far-flung village that can be accessed by a dhow traditional dhow for a seafood lunch and drinks before returning to Shimoni. The local people, Wadigo, are very warm and friendly.

They are among the nine tribes of the Mijikenda. Their foods are hot and spicy and coconut milk stew is their favorite sauce. Seafoods like prawns, shrimps, and crabs are a must-eat. Snorkelling is a fun activity here and the local guides will help you get the best experience.

Diani has a whole other vibe. Make a point of visiting briefly or for a long vacation and experience its magic.