national tree plating day holiday

National Tree Planting Day Holiday

National Tree Planting Day Holiday

The government, on Wednesday, through a Gazette notice and its spokesman, Isaac Mwaura, declared May 10, 2024, a National Tree Planting Day in Kenya.

The government set aside the day to commemorate Kenyans who died in the ongoing floods in the different parts of the country. So far, 238 are dead, 75 are still reported missing and more than 45, 000 have been displaced.

The government also added that the tree planting exercise is a part of the strategies to mitigate climate change that is adversely affecting the globe at the moment. It’s also about creating awareness of the importance of conservation and the role of forests in sustaining the environment.

The goal of the exercise is to plant 15B trees in 10 years. The tree planting days started last year, on November 10. Seedlings are provided by the government through public nurseries to plant in designated areas. Members of the public are also encouraged to buy at least two seedlings each to plant on their private properties.

“Friday 10th of May 2024, a day set to remember those that have been adversely affected by the ravages of climate change. Let us use the day to work towards improving our environment. On this day, we will plant trees and remind ourselves that the solution to climate change is taking care of our environment,” said Ruto.

Hon. Aisha Jumwa, CS Gender, Culture, Arts and Heritage

According to the Nairobi County website, total of 60,451 trees were planted today across Nairobi City’s 17 Sub Counties. Nairobi County Director in charge of Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change Mr. John P. Malawi, who spearheaded the tree planting exercise at Railway Training Institute in South C, said that Nairobi County has been at the forefront of working towards enhancing environmental conservation across the city, adding that through strategic partnerships, community engagement and innovative initiatives, the County is working tirelessly to increase tree cover and contribute significantly in the achievement of the national target of 15B trees.

Other counties also participated in the exercise that is expected to be marked every year.