Our Masks Are Low Quality, Former CJ Mutunga

Our Masks Are Low Quality, Former CJ Mutunga

Former Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga has questioned the quality of masks in Kenya claiming they are of low quality.

Quoting a section of the constitution, Mutunga showed dissatisfaction with the type of masks being offered in the market. According to him, they are of substandard quality.

“Under Article 46 (1) (a) of the Constitution consumers have the right to goods and services of reasonable quality. My experience with various brands of surgical masks, particularly with the strings, show the subversion of this right,” Mutunga wrote.

He now wants the relevant organizations to take responsibility and address the issue.

Wearing a mask has become an essential part of our lives in a bid to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, it’s so paramount that the quality is assured and that is why the former CJ thinks so.