Boni Khalwale Defends Karen Nyamu Over Polygamy

Boni Khalwale Defends Karen Nyamu Over Polygamy

UDA Nominated Senator and popular Mugithi entertainer Samidoh’s baby mama Karen Nyamu has been trending for the better part of the weekend after a dramatic confrontation video between her and Samido’s wife Edday surfaced online.

The drama started when Karen joined the singer on the stage where the bouncers roughly evicted her.

She then moved to the table where Samidoh and his wife Edday Nderitu were seated where she also caused chaos. After what seemed like an exchange of bitter words between the two wives, Ms. Nyamu forcefully sat on Samido’s lap prompting Edday to ‘defend her territory’.

In a live Facebook video moments later, Karen explained what had happened blaming alcohol for the whole incident. She, however, promised swore not to leave Samidoh.

Karen Nyamu is not letting Samidoh go

“Simwachi (Samidoh ), lazima tulee watoto, (I am not leaving Samidoh, we must bring up our children,” she said in the video.

Boni Khalwale Defends Karen Nyamu Over Polygamy

However, through a series of posts on her Instagram stories, Nyamu said she decided to break up with the Samidoh.

“I have made the conscious decision to end for good my involvement with the father of my babies and now ex,” part of the post read.

The whole drama has caused an online stir with a section blaming her for misconduct because she’s a public servant.

To her defense, the Kakamega Senator, Dr. Boni Khalwale has appealed to Kenyans to give Ms. Nyamu a break.

Dr. Khalwale is blaming Samidoh for not being able to manage his two wives.

He says Karen is just a young woman who loves her husband “but unfortunately the guy has no idea how to manage his wives.”

The Senate Majority Whip is also of the idea that Samidoh ought to apologize “for his ineptitude on matters family.”

“He is to blame. Polygamy is NOT for boys!” The Senator wrote.