Boeing is finally set to open its African headquarters in Ethiopia. There were speculations over Kenya or South Africa being the preferred locations for expansion but the news put the debate to rest.
The announcement was made at the African Aviation Summit held from Tuesday 24th to Thursday 23rd May 2024, in the Sandton Convention Centre, Jo’Burg, South Africa. Ethiopian delegation participated in the Summit.
Ethiopia & Boeing Long Term Partnership
Ethiopia and Boeing were already into a joint venture, entered in 2023, to manufacture some airplane parts in Ethiopia. The venture will make “aerospace parts, including aircraft thermo-acoustic insulation blankets, electrical wire harnesses, and other parts,” the commission said. The investment project is expected to create employment opportunities for more than 300 Ethiopians. The commission and Boeing have not divulged any further details on when production will begin.
In March this year, Ethiopian Airlines entered into another agreement to purchase 8 Boeing 777-9 airplanes, with the option to acquire up to 12 additional jets. This makes the Ethiopian Airlines the first in Africa to order the 777X model.
Ethiopia made an automatic pick since Ethiopian Airlines are considered world-class given their safety records and travel destination. Ethiopia is also a diplomatic hub and the seat of the African Union (AU), making it an even more desirable choice for the leading airline manufacturer.
Scramble For Africa’s Aerospace
Africa, in the next 20 years, will need about a thousand new carriers, according to Boeing. This new move is set to expand the existing fleet to cater for about 80% of that demand. They are shaping up for the rapidly expanding air travel industry in the years and decades ahead.

In preparation, Boeing had earlier appointed Henok Shawl, a former executive at Ethiopian Airlines. Shawl was made the managing director for its Africa division. Shawl has an extensive experience in aviation and telecommunications. He also served as the chief external affairs officer at Safaricom Telecommunication Ethiopia for six months.