Bonface Mutua lauds Boniface Mwangi

Dr Mutua Lauds Boniface Mwangi Over Apology to Omanga

Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua hails activist Boniface Mwangi for his apology to Senator Millicent Omanga after a heated exchange on Twitter.

It all started when Senator Millicent Omanga shared a photo of a dead chicken saying Kenyans alleged that her curvaceous self was similar to the bird she called ‘Omanga Special’. Boniface Mwangi reacted to the photo saying that it meant she was only good for activities other than being a legislator. He even described the nominated senator as a “bedsheet” in a street fight. This led to a heated exchange which went on to be so personal.

The Senator hit back at Boniface Mwangi calling him a “socialite activist who lives off donations” and who sold photos of the 2007/08 post-election violence to earn some money. She added that the Mwangi’s wife was also a ‘bedsheet’ since she attended protests. To summarize, she referred to him as a “silly boy”. 

The conversation went on and on attracting other Kenyans on Twitter who reacted differently. In the end, the governor apologized.


The social and political activist has today penned down an apology to the senator as follows;

“Yesterday l disrespected myself, my friends, and the people who believe in me. I get insulted every day and rarely do l lose it. Yesterday l lost it. I am sorry to everyone l offended. To @MillicentOmanga too. I was out of line. Thank you,” he tweeted.

 The apology was well received by netizens and among them was the Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua who replied to Mwangi’s apology tweet with the following message.

“I saw the thread and I could feel your anger; to a large extent, it was justified. She had no right to mention your family etc. You have risen way above her by apologizing for your rant. Proud of you,” Mutua said.